Product descriptions are mainly useful for two things on an ecommerce store:

  • Product descriptions are mainly used to so that visitors who come to the site can educate themselves about a particular product
  • The next purpose of a product description is to influence the minds of the visitor in a way which persuades them to buy the product

Majority of the ecommerce businesses take into consideration the primary purpose of educating a visitor and in accordance with that creates their product descriptions. It is however not enough to turn these visitors into customers.

Preparation for Writing Product Descriptions

It is often the case that stakeholders at an organization or business owners and marketers only have a rough idea about who they want to target. Having a rough idea is not enough, it is absolutely imperative that work of documenting is done properly so that it becomes easier to figure out the ideal customer. It is also necessary to list all of the product information so that there is a clear picture of what an organization is trying to convey to its customer. This makes it much easier to design content.

13 Tips

1. Competitor Analysis

A competitor analysis needs to be done from the perspective of a buyer so that it is possible to identify the gaps which are there in a competitor’s product design. During the analysis anything which seem to be an error on the competitor’s part should be listed down and then later converted into a checklist. This analysis is extremely useful after the product description has been written to ensure that the errors similar to the competitors are not being made.

2. Right Keywords

SEO is gradually becoming the major platform for ecommerce marketing channels. SEO is the way forward to drive traffic and sales so it is an absolute necessity for organizations to ensure that search engines are the main point of focus when product descriptions are written and the right keywords are necessary for that. It must be noted that it is not a good option to write the product descriptions in the beginning and then choosing to optimize them. Faster results can be procured by a properly planned and optimized description. There is software which can helps to find the search intent of keyword like Semrush and Snippet Digital.

3. Buyer-Centric Product Description

Once the list of keywords is ready the next step includes writing the title and subtitles of the product description. After the heading is prepared then the transactional keywords are to be included in the details about the product and also in the product description. This helps to rank higher up and gives a greater chance to convert.

4. Benefits or Features list

When a customer approaches shopping it is for different products and in different ways. In order to cater to the specific needs of the customers, it is vital to identify the manner in which consumers are buying a particular product online. Accordingly certain information should be prioritized while adding information to product descriptions.

5. 4Cs of Copywriting

Ecommerce businesses should keep in mind that if product descriptions are not written properly then there will be a significant fall in ROI. To help in writing product descriptions the 4Cs are of immense importance:

  • Clarity
  • Concise
  • Compelling
  • Credible

6. Creative Taglines

Mass marketplaces where writing keyword-centric content takes precedence should not opt for writing creative taglines in their product description. Creative taglines are more for Premium/luxury brands or niche brands. These brands have a particular set of buyers which are different and they are mainly targeted through social platforms or emails. On digital platforms like emails creativity is far more useful and beneficial than keywords.

7. “How-to” Section for Applicable Products

Many organizations make the mistake of thinking that their products do not require this section. It is a mistake. A “How-to” section always adds value to a product description. The primary purpose of this section is to provide assistance to the visitors to know more about the product right on the page.

8. Brand Story

Adding brand stories is the most recommended suggestion for any sort of ecommerce business. Brand stories are particularly important for niche businesses and start-ups as these stories help out in marketplaces by providing customers with a scope to understand why they should engage in business with a particular organization.

9. Social Proof

Social proof is the key to increasing conversion rate optimization. Activities such as product reviews on an organization’s website, Google, or marketplaces, shout-outs on social media and video reviews on YouTube help in earning the trust of the customer base. Social proof is extremely important as it is providing genuine reviews on how a product is perceived by a customer base. This has psychological impacts on visitors which prove to be vital when they’re making a buying decision.

10. FAQ Section

FAQs are more convenient for customers than some elaborate customer helpline communication system. It’s a long process to connect customer service executives and get assistance. In place of that if the commonly asked questions and answers are available on the site, it saves both time and cost.

11. Pending Information

If there are opportunities to add information about packaging, vendor, shipping & fulfilment, etc. then they should be added in a creative fashion to the product description.

12. Use of Bullet Points

Features and benefits of a product should feature in bullet points. Consumers will then be able to scan through the benefits and features much quicker. This will lead conversions can happening quicker.

13. Mixture of Text and Graphics

It is always best to present the product description with a right mixture of text and graphics. Brands who prioritize creativity over keywords might have a tendency to choose graphics over text but it is always advisable to use a mix of both.


Product descriptions are of immense help for organizations as it gives them the ability to boost conversions and significantly maximize ROI.

Hope this blog gives you adequate information about writing an effective product description. To discover more, visit our official website or write to us at [email protected] and get to know our top – class services about website & app development, marketing automation, graphics design, digital marketing and many more,

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