Modern technology has created E-commerce sites for both positive customer experience and growth of businesses. However, it has also contributed on the concept of ‘cart abandonment’ in which customers abandon their online shopping carts. It has also been observed that a random visitor’s attention span on a particular website is decreasing. This gives rise to the remarketing process that includes targeting previous viewers for customer retention.

Facebook is perhaps the most popular online social platform and has become a popular place for digital marketing. Therefore, business companies have utilized several strategies for remarketing campaigns on Facebook.

Here are the fourteen popular strategies that have become popular among multiple business companies for Facebook remarketing:

Bid Strategies

Bidding strategies are used for adjusting manual bids automatically for clicks and will lead to online sale. Popular bid strategies are cost per click (CPC), cost per action (CPA), and return on ad spend (ROAS).

Auto Targeting

It is a method by which ads are being displayed to audience similar to the target group. Aggressive auto targeting is a similar method that extends ads reach.

Dynamic Remarketing

Ad suggestion engine will show similar services and products to previous customers by implementing dynamic remarketing. It can be also used for ad layout based on the device.

Cross-sell or Up-sell

This strategy is used to sell an additional product to a customer who has already purchased a particular item. Customization of ads is necessary for this strategy as it is focused on previous customers.

Audience Categorization

Categorizing audience is crucial for understanding the demand of a potential customer. Audience categorization can be done based on their interests or activities and appropriate ads can be generated.

Product Categories

Showcasing of numerous product categories is needed for a successful remarketing ad campaign. A remarketing list should include each and every product category which contains the URL of different category names.

Duration of Purchase

Some customers are expected to purchase items within duration of previous purchase. Creating a list of those potential customers will be helpful for remarketing ads.

Valuable Audience List

A valuable audience will repeat purchasing procedure a number of times. Creating a list of valuable audience is an effective strategy for Facebook ad campaign.

Language Targeting

Online audiences are more likely to be multi lingual and targeting a list of languages can be effective for a remarketing ad strategy.

Ad Scheduling

Specifying a certain time period of a day or a week for displaying an ad would help to reach out global customers.

Conversion Tracking

One can see the number of conversions from a remarketing campaign by using conversion tracking. It is used for evaluating business performance.

Remove Frequency Cap

A frequency cap limits the number of ad exposure and thus, reduces the impression. Removing this limitation would be helpful for businesses.

Avoid Redundant Ads

Showing same generic ads to previous viewers would decrease their interests. Ads need to have variety and uniqueness.

Laddered System

This will systematically lead audiences from one campaign to another campaign. In this way, they won’t view the same ads.

Facebook is an ideal online platform for remarketing strategies as it has become immensely popular among the global audience. Implementing the above mentioned remarketing strategies on Facebook will guarantee growth and development of a business organization.

Hope this blog gives you adequate information regarding multiple Facebook remarketing strategies. To discover more, visit our official website or write to us at [email protected] and get to know our top – class services about website & app development, marketing automation, graphics design, digital marketing and many more.

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  1. Higher Positions is a premier SEO company in Maryland City, and a Google Partner and SEO-Certified, with over 10 years of search engine marketing experience.

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