Renaming an existing brand is nothing new; companies and enterprises rename their brands for a better performance. However, it becomes a worldwide phenomenon when leading global companies decide to change their brand name. On Thursday at a virtual conference, Facebook co – founder Mark Zuckerberg has made such a phenomenon when he announced a new name along with a new brand logo for one of the leading global tech companies. From now on, Facebook Inc. will be known as Meta Inc. and this will be the beginning of  “metaverse “, a new virtual world of realistic experience.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has recently announced that the parent company has changed its name to “Meta” as it would be a major part of rebranding the company. Until now, the company only deals with social media platform. However, now it wants to broaden the reach beyond online social media into technological trends like virtual reality (VR). The change of name was announced on Thursday at the conference of Facebook Connect Augmented and Virtual Reality.

In the conference, Mark Zuckerberg revealed his plans of creating a virtual world called “Metaverse” which can host a suitable platform for work, gaming and communication using VR headsets. According to Mark Zuckerberg, the company is mainly viewed as nothing more than a social media, but it wants to be viewed as a company that creates and develops technology for connecting people. “Metaverse is the next frontier”, said Mark Zuckerberg.

Though the company has changed its name, the facebook app and other apps under the company such as Instagram, Messenger and Whatsapp will retain their names. With a new logo, Meta is set to bring the Metaverse, an idea from Neal Stephenson’s science fiction novel Snow Crash. Mark Zuckerberg explained that metaverse would create a natural as well as vivid virtual reality simulation that focused on virtual avatars and realistic holograms instead of electronic devices. The metaverse will give a unique ‘natural’ experience of attending concerts or being present in the workplace through the virtual world.

Devices based on virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will provide real world experience to users and devices like Oculus Quest 2 can be used for accessing the metaverse. A new device based on VR technology called Project Cambria will deliver the unique experience with advanced tracking technology. Facebook is currently working on its new AR glasses project known as Aria. Instead of forcing users to use Quest Store for apps, Meta will support PC streaming as well as side loading to provide choices for users.

Previously, the company had its fair share of controversies and incidents to tarnish its reputation. Former employee Frances Haugen played the role of a whistleblower and displayed internal documents that lead to the fact that Instagram platform has become a toxic social media environment for teenagers. It has also caused a significant impact on the mental health of teenagers. Recently, the company has suffered a major global shutdown that resulted in hours of no service. In this context, it can be said that rebranding is a way to divert attention from those negative stories. Furthermore, the world metaverse is still under process and critics believe that Mark Zuckerberg had taken a bold step of naming the brand based on a future technology. Also, it has been observed that rebranding a giant tech company has become unsuccessful. In 2015, Google rebranded itself as Alphabet but almost none refers the company with the changed name. However, spectators now have to wait and observe the performance of the company with its new name and new promises to determine whether renaming has become a successful idea or not.

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