When an organization delves into an online advertising strategy, the first and foremost thing to do is research about competitors. Competitor research is one of the main aspects of any online advertising strategy. This brings us to the Facebook Ads Library which is where the start to the research should be made. What Facebook ads library essentially does is that it provides absolute transparency into Facebook ads which are more recent and are being run by all brands.

Accessing the Facebook Ads Library

It is possible to access the Facebook Ads Library from the following link: https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/ From here it is not only possible to search for different brands and different topics but it is also possible to filter by country and to choose and select an ad category. The special categories in Facebook include:

  • Issues, Elections, or Politics
  • Housing
  • Employment
  • Credit

If there isn’t a requirement for a specific search category, the Search All option can be availed.

How to View a Brand’s Ads

Scrolling through the ads it will be possible to view the month in which the ads were launched and at the top of each ad located are the icons which indicate the platforms where the ads ran. By clicking on See Details it will enable us to see additional information about the ad like the amount of money that has been spent on it and the number of profiles it has reached. These charts assist in determining what a competitor has been targeting for their ads. It must however be noted that it is not possible to see extra details about certain specific targeting parameters.

Discovering Copy Trends

It is vital to notice copy trends to understand how competitors are positioning themselves. It helps us determine how to put our ads and the tone we need to follow to garner more reach. Depending on that efforts are made that can help build brand association with certain types of copy trend.


Facebook Ads library is the best place to start when diving into online marketing as it provides with the best possible solution for competitive research.

Hope this blog gives you adequate information about Facebook Ads Library and its use in competitive research. To discover more, visit our official website www.ranjhiyadigital.com or write to us at [email protected] and get to know our top – class services about website & app development, marketing automation, graphics design, digital marketing and many more.

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