Writing the perfect content is exhaustive; hours go behind polishing the content to make it noticeable by search engines. To ensure that the work put in brings maximum returns, the right tools encircling the fields of research, editing and analytics are often paired with the right skill set.

1.       BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo provides custom filters to sieve relevant keywords out of the sea of available content while referring to their reach on popular social media sites so that they can be further sorted.

2.       Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a tool for key word research that provides a bounty of search-worthy content, expanding the base keyword using suggestions from Google Ads Keyword Planner.

3.       LeadFWD

Using Artificial Intelligence , LeadFWD puts the website through a real-time scan that is highly insightful when it comes to generating relevant content. Graphs indicate the way in which time is spent by a visitor on the website which is useful for altering the content to make it specifically cater to the user.

4.       Awario

Awario bypasses messenger bots and survey questionnaires to gather useful feedback straight from the legitimate source by keeping a tab on human conversation on social media. This helps in taking corrective measures that ultimately lead to a better user experience.

5.       Portent’s Content Idea Generator

This unique tool is not only free, but also remedies writer’s block and provides a plethora of

attention-grabbing, clickbaity blog titles.

6.       Quora

Simple Q&A websites that are wholly built on audience responses are revealing when it comes to eye-catching content ideas. What’s more is one can even promote their own content by using it as an answer to an existing question.

7.       Reddit

Reddit’s heterogeneous community offers a multiplicity of ideas that cover practically every topic one can imagine. It also helps establish partnership opportunities with other content marketers and secure backlinks.

8.       Answer the public

One may enter a rudimentary topic and the tool will precipitate a visualization of topics that have the potential to be turned into blog articles.

9.       Google Docs

The cloud based document editing platform facilities multiple users to work effortlessly in a single document. The word processor is an all-in-one platform encapsulating customization and editing and easy sharing whilst making specifications on access privileges. Content marketing teams can collaborate in real-time.

10.   Asana

Asana ensures that the quality of the content isn’t compromised and deadlines are met whilst assigning tasks to users by frequently checking the project status.

11.   Slack

Slack’s user-friendly interface replaces the rigid traditional email exchange and allows a vivid and pictorial arena for users. Cross department collaboration is made seamless and the tool ensures that the final draft passes through the right hands, all while saving time.

12.   Dropbox Paper

Dropbox Paper is the simpler alternative to Google Docs ; it’s minimalism incorporates all the functions expected out of a word processor.

13.   SEMrush

SEMrush is a premium SEO tool that enables users to research target keywords while keeping tabs on the content strategy of competitors and garnering backlink Engagements. Better optimization of content can be obtained through SEO Content Template and SEO Writing Assistant.

14.   Yoast SEO

With Yoast SEO, content optimization can be ascertained through provided checklists whilst determining the readability and SEO friendliness of real-time content.

15.   Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO analyses top tier search results for target keywords and provides a plethora of suggestions that include a desired word count, target keyword and increasing keyword usage.

16.   Grammarly

Grammarly is a great tool that minimises effort by sieving grammatical and spelling errors making the content error free and much note readable.

17.   Hemingway App

Similar to Grammarly, Hemingway App analyses content for its readability scale in a way that makes sense to the audience.

18.   Inspectlet

Inspectlet is a tool that enables website creators to view whatever the visitors have browsed and the information obtained produces potential leads. It is a great analytic tool that helps the creator modify the content according to the visitor’s interests.

19.   Google Analytics

Content improvement, optimization and traffic detection while measuring engagement metrics like average session duration, page views and bounce rates.

20.   Raven Tools

Web traffic and content optimization can be enhanced by a stack of SEO and analytics tools that are provided by Raven Tools. Thousands of agencies zealous to gain insight and foster detailed analytics bank on this tool.

Content is very essential to the existence of any digital marketing strategy, and optimization tools are excellent catalysts to further the objectives.

Hope this blog gives you adequate information about different tools involved in content creation. To discover more, visit our official website www.ranjhiyadigital.com or write to us at [email protected] and get to know our top – class services about website & app development, marketing automation, graphics design, digital marketing and many more.

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